Opening a preschool at your church is an excellent way to reach your local community with the Gospel while also creating income for your ministry. If your church building sits empty from Monday through Friday, why not transform that space into a significant revenue stream to support your church’s mission? At the same time, you’ll have the opportunity to impact families who you might not reach otherwise.
If you have considered opening a church preschool, here are five quick tips to help you get started:
1. Assess the Need
Take a look at the current preschool and daycare options available in your community. More specifically, find out if there are faith-based childcare services in your area. Many parents feel safer bringing their children to a church preschool, and this preference can open many doors of opportunity.
2. Evaluate Your Space
How many rooms can be dedicated to your preschool? Classrooms are typically located on the ground floor unless permission is granted by the Fire Marshal. You will need about 35 square feet of classroom space per child, plus a fenced play area outdoors. These guidelines vary by state. Gather your measurements and decide how many kids your preschool can accommodate comfortably.
3. Create a Mission Statement
When families consider your preschool, what is the most important thing you want them to know? Your mission statement should clearly state your commitment to providing high-quality Christian early childhood education. In just a few sentences, highlight your purpose and tell parents why they should entrust their children to your care. A well-crafted mission statement will help you stay focused on what matters as you establish and grow your preschool.
4. Develop a Business Plan
A business plan clarifies the goals of your church preschool and identifies how you plan to achieve them. This document should include details about the services you will offer, how much you will charge, your operational plan and marketing strategies. A business plan is essential for starting your preschool on the right foot and maintaining its success.
5. Partner With Experts
Starting a church preschool may sound overwhelming, but here’s the good news: You don’t have to do it alone! Partner with us at enCourage Preschools, and our expert team will walk alongside you to launch and manage a thriving preschool. We offer several partnership models to support your specific needs. Request your discovery call today to find out how we can help you get started!