It’s an exciting time as all over the country, parents and students are getting ready to head back to school! Teachers at our Hillsboro, Oregon, San Antonio, Texas and Pompano Beach, Florida preschool centers are preparing to welcome new students. As a parent of a preschooler, there are many ways you can prepare your little one to head back to school. Ensure the first day of school is a breeze by practicing the new school routine, reading books about school, practicing independence and scheduling a tour of our preschool center.
#1: Practice Your Morning Routine
Don’t wait until the first day of school to walk through your preschooler’s new morning routine. Instead, use the first few weeks before school starts to practice waking up, eating breakfast and getting dressed to go by the time you would need to leave for school. When preschool starts, your child will already be in the routine of being prepared to get out the door!
#2: Read Books About Going to Preschool
If your child is going to school for the first time or is nervous about returning, start reading books about going to school! Look for books that detail things like listening to teachers, making friends and following classroom routines. Reading about school will help your preschooler understand what to expect which will make the new experience less intimidating.
#3: Practice Independence
Whether your child is 18 months or 5 years old, this is a great opportunity to start practicing independence. Focus on specific, school-related activities that would be helpful for them to do on their own such as:
- Opening and closing their lunch box and backpack.
- Putting a folder in their backpack.
- Washing their hands.
- Walking up and down stairs independently.
- Putting on a jacket, socks and shoes.
#4: Schedule a tour
Scheduling a tour of our preschool before the school year starts allows you and your child to become familiar with the environment your child will be in and builds confidence and excitement for the year ahead. It also provides an opportunity to meet teachers, ask questions and become familiar with the daily routines and curriculum. Schedule a tour at one of our fantastic Christian preschool centers today and see how our loving, Christ-centered environment will help your child thrive.
We hope these tips help you set your child up for a successful school year at enCourage Preschools!